Spring Simulation Webinar: Using Simulation to Promote Clinical Judgement
April 22 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Live Webinar via Zoom
1.0 contact hours offered
Chris Garrison, PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE
Kristal Hockenberry, MSN, RN, CNE, CDP, CHSE
Kelly Wolgast, DNP, RN, FACHE, FAAN — Moderator
This webinar will feature the six steps of the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (CJMM) and strategies to incorporate the CJMM into simulation design and debriefing.
Penn State Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by Pennsylvania State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Up to 1.0 contact hours may be awarded to participants who hold a valid RN license, attend the entire Nursing Continuing Professional Development program, and complete the post-event evaluation; partial contact hours are not awarded.