CGNE Seminar Series
During fall and spring semesters annually, the Tressa Nese and Helen Diskevich Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence hosts the CGNE Seminar Series. While faculty and students from the Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing and other associated Penn State departments and colleges attend the seminars with gerontological content, we invite our clinical partners, as well as interested community members, to join these educational opportunities.
Many of the seminars provide 1.0 contact hour (nursing continuing professional development credit) for registered nurses, as the Penn State Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing is a PSNA-approved provider.
Seminars are free and open to the public. Registration is required.
Check out past seminars on our YouTube playlist.

Upcoming Seminars
Thursday, April 17
Stress, Emotion, and Cognitive Aging: The Role of Inflammation and the Importance of Prevention
Thursday, April 24
Awake and Walking ICUs: Giving Patients the Best Chance to Survive and Thrive
Thursday, May 1
Use of Virtual Reality in Nursing Simulation to Explore Caring for Patients with Dementia
For more information and/or to be added to our CGNE email list to receive the Collaborative Seminar Series flyer and announcements, please contact:
Jennifer Rank, CGNE Education Program Assistant at or 814-863-1048