Susan J. Loeb
Director, PhD Program; Professor, Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing;
Professor, Department of Medicine
315A/B Nursing Sciences Building
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: 814-863-2236
Email: SVL100@psu.edu
Research & Publications
- Doctor of Philosophy, Nursing, August 2002, The Pennsylvania State University
- Master of Science, Nursing, December 1992, The Pennsylvania State University
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing, May 1988, The Pennsylvania State University
Research Interests:
- Enhancing the health of people who are incarcerated and the health care that is provided in correctional settings
- Developing innovative e-training for corrections staff and incarcerated people who provide peer caregiving
- Enhancing end-of-life, geriatric, and dementia care in correctional settings
Current Research Funding:
- National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Aging—Grant #1 R41 AG078103-01
Funding period June 1, 2022-May 31, 2023.
Awarded $300,000 total budget for a grant titled, “Computer-based Learning to Enhance ADRD Care in Prison: Just Care for Dementia”.
PI: Susan J. Loeb - National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Aging, Grant #R44AG057239
Funding period June 15, 2020-March 31, 2022; No Cost Extension (NCE) April 1, 2022-March 31, 2023.
Awarded $1,822,434 for a grant titled, “E-training of Inmate Peer Caregivers for Enhancing Geriatric and End-of-Life Care in Prisons-II”.
MPIs: Susan J. Loeb (contact PI) & Barbara Walkosz
Honors and Awards:
- Visiting Professor, University of Saskatchewan, College of Nursing, Saskatoon, SK, Canada (October 2022).
- Featured Nurse on a “SEE YOU NOW” podcast series that “shines a light on the real people changing the status quo in health…” The podcast is created by a collaboration between Johnson & Johnson and the American Academy of Nursing to provide meaningful conversations with nurses at the forefront of healthcare and innovation. Recorded May 2022 for release in 2023.
- Invited Speaker: “End-of-Life Care in Prisons.” Academic Minute, July 13, 2016. Northeastern Public Radio (sponsored and hosted by the Association of American Colleges and Universities).
- President’s Award: Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS), April 15, 2016. “The ENRS President’s Award recognizes an exceptional member of ENRS who has significantly contributed to nursing research and demonstrated leadership through their commitment to providing mentorship to individuals in ENRS. ENRS proudly honors Dr. Susan J. Loeb as the 2016 President’s Award recipient. Dr. Loeb exemplifies the professionalism, integrity and commitment to ENRS that are vital to ensuring our organization’s success in promoting nursing science.”
- Visiting Scholar: Oregon Health and Science University, School of Nursing. May 2015.
- Fellow, Gerontological Society of America (FGSA). Awarded through the Health Sciences Section of GSA. Received in 2013.
- International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN) Achievement Award 2013 Award recognizes significant contributions made in the advancement of the scientific practice of Forensic Nursing through research and publications. Awards Ceremony: October 22, 2013.
- Fellow, American Academy of Nursing (FAAN). Inducted in 2012.
- Springer Publishing Company Award in Geriatric/Gerontological Nursing for a Distinguished Single Work of Research in Applied Geriatric Nursing Received during Nursing Interest Group Meeting at The Gerontological Society of America’s 60th Annual Scientific Meeting, November 17, 2007. Publication: Loeb, S.J., Steffensmeier, D., & Myco, P.M. (2007). In their own words: Older male prisoners’ health beliefs and concerns for the future. Geriatric Nursing, 28(5), 319–329.
- Judith V. Braun Award for Research that Contributes to the Improvement of Gerontological Nursing Practice Received at the National Gerontological Nursing Association Meeting, October 6–8, 2006.
- Scholar: National Institute of Aging Summer Research Institute & John A. Hartford Foundation Nursing Preconference (competitive selection), July 7–15, 2005.
- Scholar: John A. Hartford Foundation’s Geriatric Nursing Research Scholars and Fellows Program (competitive selection), New York University, July 7–11, 2003.