Nicole E. Peterson
Assistant Teaching Professor; Emeritus Associate Professor of Instruction, University of Iowa College of Nursing
Nursing Sciences Building
University Park
Phone: (814)863-1020
Email: nep5190@psu.edu
Education & University
BSN, MSN, & DNP, University of Iowa
Research Interest
Advance care planning, Age-Friendly Care, care of older adults, post-acute long-term care, Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment (POLST), Iowa Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment (IPOST)
Dr. Peterson has been an adult & gerontological primary care nurse practitioner since 2008, with clinical practice experience in long term care, community care, home care and primary care. This includes providing geriatric and primary care to the Meskwaki Nation community (Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa and their employees). She has teaching experience in undergraduate and graduate nursing including master’s and doctorate level, as well as serving as a geriatric nurse practitioner preceptor to numerous students including family medicine residents. Her teaching experience includes lecture, on-line, clinical practicums and simulation; with emphasis on utilizing active learning strategies in the classroom. As an enrolled member of the Menominee Nation of Wisconsin and a first-generation college student, she strives to be a supportive resource for underrepresented students in higher education. Her clinical research interest includes advance care planning. Dr. Peterson is a Respecting ChoicesR first steps and advanced steps facilitator. Her DNP project involved advance care planning conversations and completion of an Iowa Physician Order for Scope of Treatment (IPOST) when applicable, with nursing home residents in a mid-size town when the medical orders were first available statewide in Iowa. The results of her project found residents and especially family members found this approach very valuable, but more education was needed for the healthcare staff. With social work partners, Dr. Mercedes Bern-Klug PhD, MSW, MA and Jane Dohrmann MSW, LISW, ACHP-SW, this work continued via several presentations and webinars including a Hartford Foundation Change AGEnts Initiative grant project, and working with the National POLST (Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment) Paradigm (as it was known at the time). This team, with the addition of Kandyce Powell, MSN, RN wrote the Nursing Home and Hospice chapters of the POLST Care Continuum toolkit available online (https://polst.org/toolkit/?pro=1).