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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Financial Resources

Penn State Resources

Bursar’s Office

The Office of the Bursar is responsible for maintaining student accounts pertaining to tuition billing, acceptance fees, charges, payments, posting financial aid, and refunds of excess funds, when available.

Office of Student Aid

Penn State’s Office of Student Aid is the main resource for questions related to paying for your education. They oversee the distribution of loans, grants, work study and scholarships, with loans being the most common financing method.

Sokolov-Miller Family Financial and Life Skills Center

The Sokolov-Miller Family Financial and Life Skills Center’s mission is to provide students with the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage financial resources effectively for a lifetime of financial wellbeing.

Educational Equity Programs 

Milton Hershey Program

Milton Hershey Scholars are graduates of the Milton Hershey School, a cost-free, private, co-residential school and home for children from lower income families located in Hershey, Pennsylvania. As students of the Milton Hershey School, they have an opportunity to earn academic scholarships, which may be applied toward college. Students attend various Penn State campuses, including Abington, Berks, Brandywine, Harrisburg, and University Park. Milton Hershey Scholars enrolled at the University Park campus receive academic coaching from the Multicultural Resource Center, live in the Educational Equity Scholars Special Living Option, and attend the Scholarship and Community seminar in their first year. Learn more »

Maguire Scholars Program

Maguire Scholars are part of the Penn State Educational Equity Scholars community, a group of students who bring diverse perspectives, identities, and interests to Penn State. Maguire Scholars join a cohort of their classmates in a living-learning program in their first year, and receive support from the Office of Scholars Programs.  Learn more »

Lenfest Scholars Program 

The Brook J. Lenfest Trustee Scholarship provides significant financial aid for students attending Penn State University Park. Eligibility is based on demonstrated financial need through qualification for federal Pell Grant support and participation in specified Philadelphia programs. Learn more »

Bunton-Waller Scholars Program 

Named in honor of Mildred Settle Bunton (1932), recognized as the first African American woman to graduate from Penn State, and Calvin Hoffman Waller (1904), believed to be Penn State’s first African American graduate, the scholarship is given to students who enhance the broad and diverse student population at Penn State. The Bunton-Waller Program attracts students from various backgrounds who have demonstrated academic potential and are eligible to attend Penn State. Learn more »

Internal Scholarships

Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing Emergency Funds Application

The Penn State Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing offers support for students who find themselves in emergency financial situations or have incurred unexpected expenses.  These may include a family member’s job loss or death, personal inability to work, injury or illness, car accident, or other unexpected expenses. These funds may be used to purchase textbooks, cover expenses related to clinical costs, childcare, equipment or repair, etc.   

These funds do not cover regular anticipated expenses like rent, food, etc. Other excluded expenses include:   

  • Tuition and fees  
  • Room and board 
  • Health insurance  
  • Study abroad costs  
  • Non-essential utilities (i.e. cable), household, or furniture costs not related to damage or theft  
  • Parking tickets  
  • Costs for entertainment, recreative, non-emergency travel or other non-essential expenses  

Since these funds are limited, they are typically only awarded to once per student per academic year and are based on individual circumstances. Consider speaking with your academic adviser for help in completing this application.   

In rare cases, awards may impact the amount of aid that a student receives from other sources – most often reducing the amount of student or parent educational loans. However, this only occurs if a student is already receiving financial aid up to their total cost of attendance for the semester awarded.  

If a student is awarded hardship funds, the award is posted to the student’s Bursar account. The funds will offset tuition charges first; a refund will be issued if the student has financial aid that exceeds their tuition and fees. With that being said, we usually will not award the funds if there is a balance on the Bursar account, as these funds are not intended for tuition and fees. 

External Scholarships

The Evelyn Paige Parker Scholarship Fund

Established in 2004 by the Pittsburgh Black Nurses In Action and was named after Evelyn Paige Parker who was a dedicated nurse and member of the organization. One of the purposes of this scholarship is to attract and/or retain nurses to the Pittsburgh area.  

Below are the minimum requirements to be considered for the award. Eligible applicants must meet each of the following requirements to be considered for the award:  

  • Must have completed at least one (1) full year in nursing school. (If not, must be enrolled in a nursing second-degree program, diploma RN or LPN to RN program).  
  • Must have at least one (1) full year of nursing school remaining (If not, must be enrolled in a nursing second-degree program, diploma RN or LPN to RN program with one semester remaining).  
  • Be in good scholastic standing as indicated by 3.0 or better GPA at time of application.  
  • Must currently be taking at least 6 credit hours per semester.  

At a minimum one, $2,500 scholarship and one, $1,500 Evelyn Paige Parker Scholarship from this fund are awarded to an RN and/or an LPN to RN student(s) each year. Based on grants received by Pittsburgh Black Nurses in Action, more scholarship funds may become available and will follow the same eligibility criteria as the Evelyn Paige Parker Scholarship. In 2019, a total of $8,500 in scholarship awards were given out.  

Learn more »

The Dr. Milton Allen and Jerry Ann Allen Family Scholarship   

Established in 2021 by husband and wife Dr. Milton Allen and Jerry Ann Allen. The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial assistance to FULL-TIME undergraduate students who are pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).   

Below are the minimum requirements to be considered for the award. Eligible applicants must meet each of the following requirements to be considered for the award:  

  • Applicants MUST be Pennsylvania residents and US citizens.   
  • Applicants MUST additionally be attending a college or a University located in Pennsylvania.   
  • Applicants MUST not have turned 30 by the time of application.   
  • Students must be accepted/enrolled in a BSN program  

Preference will be given to African American applicants  

One or two Dr. Milton Allen & Jerry Ann Allen Family Scholarships (worth approximately $5,000 each) are to be awarded annually.  

Learn more »

Federal and State Financial Assistance 


If you are in immediate need of assistance, PA 211 can help. Start by searching their online resource database or texting your zip code to 898-211 to message with a live resource specialist. You can also call 2-1-1 for live help. 

The Affordable Connectivity Program

Congress created the Affordable Connectivity Program, a new long-term, $14 billion program, to replace the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program. This investment in broadband affordability will help ensure we can afford the connections we need for work, school, health care and more for a long time. 


Whatever the reason, if your child or teen is uninsured and ineligible for or enrolled in Medical Assistance, the Children’s Health Insurance Program — or CHIP — may be able to help. 


The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps Pennsylvanians buy food. People in eligible low-income households can obtain more nutritious diets with SNAP increasing their food purchasing power at grocery stores and supermarkets. Those who are eligible receive an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) ACCESS Card to make food purchases. 

Emergency Food Assistance Program

The United States Department of Agriculture, or USDA, makes commodity foods available to State Distributing Agencies. States provide the food to local agencies that directly serve the public (food banks, food pantries, soup kitchens, etc.).  The local organizations distribute the food to eligible recipients for household consumption or use them to prepare and serve meals in a congregate setting.  Recipients of food for home use must meet income and household eligibility criteria. 


The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 included funding for states to establish emergency rental assistance programs. Pennsylvania received approximately $569 million to administer assistance to renters, landlords, and utility providers who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and economic insecurity.  *Will run until 9/22 or until funds are exhausted


Lifeline is a federal program that lowers the monthly cost of phone or internet service. 


The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally funded program administered by the Department of Human Services (DHS) that provides assistance for home heating bills so low-income Pennsylvanians can stay warm and safe during the winter months. Assistance is available for both renters and homeowners. 


The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is a new, temporary assistance program created by the American Rescue Plan Act. LIHWAP can help households that are in emergency situations maintain essential water access. 


Medical Assistance (MA), also known as Medicaid, pays for health care services for eligible individuals. 


Also referred to as cash assistance, TANF provides cash assistance to pregnant women and dependent children and their parents or relatives who live with and care for them. Check the website for a long list of eligibility requirements. 


The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) provides nutrition education, breastfeeding instructions, and counseling at WIC clinics. To support healthy eating, participants are given vouchers they can redeem at grocery stores for specific food items. 


The special supplemental nutrition program for Women, Infants, and Children established the WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) to expand the awareness, use of, and sales at farmers’ markets. FMNP was specifically designed to provide fresh, unprepared, locally grown fruits and vegetables to WIC participants by partnering with local markets and stands. 

Budget Billing 

Any residential customers may contact their electric or natural gas company to request budget billing. Budget billing means each monthly bill will be the same amount. The company may adjust the bill up to four times a year, up or down, depending on your usage. 


Customer Assistance Programs (CAPs) are designed to help low-income residential customers maintain utility service. CAPs can help lower your monthly utility bill, and may also reduce or remove the amount you already owe. The company works with you to determine what you can pay based on your household income. 


The CARES program provides referral service for customers experiencing temporary hardships, such as family emergencies, divorce, unemployment or medical emergencies. CARES may provide support, direction and resources to help customers address their hardship situations and make it easier to pay their utility bills. 


LIURP helps eligible low-income residential customers lower the amount of electricity or natural gas used each month. The company may install energy saving features in your home to help reduce bills. A smaller bill means you’ll be able to cover more of your bill. 

Hardship Funds

Utility company hardship funds provide grants to pay utility bills. These funds offer help to customers who “fall through the cracks” of other financial assistance programs. They can also be used for those who still need help after other resources have been used. The hardship funds make payments directly to the utility company on behalf of the customer. 


Nese College of Nursing named a National League for Nursing Center of Excellence