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Student Life and Organizations

Alumni Mentoring Program

Enjoy one-on-one mentoring from a professional in your field! Become a student protégé in the Alumni Mentoring Program to explore how you can use your nursing degree to succeed in your field of interest.

Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing Ambassadors

Penn State Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing Ambassadors are student representatives of the college that participate in various events to showcase our facilities and BSN program while providing invaluable insight and perspective as an enrolled Nursing student.

Men in Nursing

Men in Nursing works to facilitate communication among the students, faculty, and administration of the University Park site, the Commonwealth Campuses, and the Milton S. Hershey Medical center sites for the purposes of providing opportunities for networking and mentoring, assisting interested males with information in choosing nursing as their major, promote men’s health, influence factors that affect men as nurses, and join with all nursing students and nurses in providing services and support for the underprivileged.

MSNA (Multicultural Student Nurses Association)

The Multicultural Student Nursing Association (MSNA), is an organization that was founded by students within the College of Nursing at Penn State with the goal to unify students who identify with a different ethnic background. Our organization is dedicated to recruiting more students of color into the college, networking, and creating a safe space for underrepresented nursing students at the University.

Schreyer Honors

Nursing students in the Schreyer Honors Program are expected to demonstrate excellent academic achievement with integrity, build a global perspective, and seek opportunities for leadership and civic engagement. In addition to completing B.S.N. program requirements, honors students engage in academic enrichment including honors courses, research placement and the completion of a thesis. College of Nursing students may pursue Schreyer Honors College (SHC) in one of two ways:

  1. First-year applicants can apply to SHC at the time of application to the Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing.
  2. Current Nursing undergraduates potentially have the opportunity to seek entry to the SHC in the spring of sophomore year through a process known as the Junior Gateway. This opportunity is contingent upon space being available in the current Schreyer cohort.

Additionally, more information on the Nursing Honors Program can be found in the Undergraduate Handbook.

Sigma Theta Tau

Students with outstanding records of scholarship and leadership also are invited to join Sigma Theta Tau, the international honor society for nursing. Penn State is home to the Beta Sigma chapter, one of more than 150 chapters of Sigma Theta Tau located at colleges and universities throughout the world.

SNAPS (Student Nurses’ Association of Pennsylvania)

Students are encouraged to participate in SNAPS at Penn State, which sponsors an informal advising system, speakers on current nursing issues, social events, and other activities. SNAPS also represents student concerns to the Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing.

WE LEAD: Nursing Leadership Academy

The Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing Leadership Academy, WE LEAD, aims to develop, foster, and champion the leadership competencies of emerging and established nurse leaders, preparing them to build a culture of health around the world. Currently, the program is designed to target upper-division undergraduate students in their third year, regardless of campus location. Students will enjoy unique and engaging learning experiences, networking opportunities, and more.


Nese College of Nursing named a National League for Nursing Center of Excellence